회사명 ZDF Studios GmbH
대표자 Dr. Markus Schäfer, Karoline Meichsner Sertl
담당자 Robert Franke, Ralf Rueckauer, Peter Lang
연락처 +49 (0) 6131/9910
이메일 info@zdf-studios.com
홈페이지 https://www.zdf-studios.com/

ZDF Studios was established in 1993 under the name of 'ZDF Enterprises' as a 100 % private subsidiary of ZDF, one of the biggest and most renowned television broadcasters in Europe.


On behalf of ZDF, ZDF Studios is responsible for worldwide program sales, the implementation of international coproductions, license purchasing for quality programs, marketing online rights and the merchandising of strong ZDF program brands.


In addition to its commercial activities for ZDF, ZDF Studios has also been able to establish itself successfully as an independent market player in both national and international environments.


As part of a powerful group, the company has at its disposal the largest German-language program collection in the world, consisting of series and mini-series, TV movies, documentaries and children’s programs.


As of April 1st, 2022 the company's name was changed to ZDF Studios.


During the course of the process of development and diversification to date, it has been possible to incorporate a large number of business activities within the television and media industry within the ZDF Studios Group. Consequently, today ZDF Studios can offer a comprehensive, full-service offer that covers every step in the process of creation and utilisation of successful TV productions, from material development in all genres to production and then on to the marketing of television licenses, merchandising, online rights and much more.


A decisive factor in this successful development has been our team of highly-motivated, experienced and committed staff, who strive with dedication and enthusiasm to ensure that our commercial activities lead to a positive result for all partners involved.

방송 공동제작 국제콘퍼런스 2022 사무국 연락처
충북 진천군 덕산읍 정통로 18 정보통신정책연구원 (27872) / 043-531-4490/4003