회사명 GDH 559 Co.,Ltd.
대표자 Jina Osothsilp
담당자 Songpol Wongkondee
연락처 +66 847510998
이메일 hutt@gdh559.co.th
홈페이지 https://www.gdh559.com/

GDH 559 Co., Ltd. is a fully integrated film production studio in Thailand that formed as a joint venture between GMM Grammy Public Company Limited and Hub Ho Hin Bangkok Company Limited. GDH aims to create unique and globally appealing content by elevating the quality of Thai films and TV series to a world-class level, and in doing so, creating smiles, laughter, pleasure, and greater gross happiness to the audience. 

방송 공동제작 국제콘퍼런스 2022 사무국 연락처
충북 진천군 덕산읍 정통로 18 정보통신정책연구원 (27872) / 043-531-4490/4003