회사명 하이퐁 TV (베트남)
대표자 Van Tuan. Pham
담당자 Van Tuan. Pham
연락처 +84.0913538536
이메일 pvt2205@gmail.com
홈페이지 http://thhp.vn
HaiPhong Radio and Television is a press agency under the HaiPhong Party Committee, HaiPhong Administration. It performs the press functions and assigned political tasks as informing and disseminating the guidelines, policies and laws of the Party, the State and the city; Contributing to orientating public opinions, meeting the demands for information and recreation of people of all social strata. 
HaiPhong Radio and Television was founded on September 1, 1956 and now runs as a public non-business unit directly under the HaiPhong People's Committee.
방송 공동제작 국제콘퍼런스 2022 사무국 연락처
충북 진천군 덕산읍 정통로 18 정보통신정책연구원 (27872) / 043-531-4490/4003