회사명 C21미디어 (영국)
대표자 David Jenkinson
담당자 Peter Treacher
연락처 +44 207 729 7460
이메일 peter@c21media.net
홈페이지 http://www.c21media.net
C21 connects and supplies valuable information to the global tv industry, enabling production companies and channels/streamers to create better programming and find co-production partners and finance. Our online news and analysis can be found at http://www.c21media.net and our annual co-production meeting CONTENT LONDON, attended by producers senior executives from round the world, can be seen here:- https://www.c21media.net/conference/content-london-2021/
방송 공동제작 국제콘퍼런스 2022 사무국 연락처
충북 진천군 덕산읍 정통로 18 정보통신정책연구원 (27872) / 043-531-4490/4003